Columbus For Sale By Owner (FSBO) saves $19,800 in real estate commissions by listing with Ohio Broker Direct. 1067-1073 Wilson Ave, Columbus, Ohio Franklin County SOLD for $660,000.
Save Thousands of Dollars in Real Estate Commissions:
Why pay a 6% commission when you can list your home on the Realtor MLS for just $299? Our For Sale by Owner clients can choose to offer no commission, a flat fee, or a percentage of the sales price to a Buyer Brokerage.
Listing Options:
Are you looking for the best Flat Fee MLS listing like our Columbus For Sale By Owner? OHIO BROKER DIRECT SOLD OVER A BILLION DOLLARS in real estate, collectively SAVING OUR SELLERS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in REAL ESTATE COMMISSIONS!
Economic Conditions:
Economic conditions can vary from strong growth to recession. To ensure quick sales, we use unique lending solutions and creative negotiation strategies. We continuously update our knowledge of loan programs, home warranties, and title insurance policies available to consumers today.
Faster Sales:
Many homes listed with Ohio Broker Direct have gone into contract in just one day, often with multiple offers above list price!
American Heroes:
We offer AMERICAN HEROES a discount coupon code for additional savings as a thank you for their services!
Through our broad menu of ala carte services, we offer cost-effective and targeted programs to each of our FSBO For Sale By Owner (FSBO) clients and customers. Our selling options are designed to save you time, effort, and thousands of dollars. Let us help you SELL YOUR PROPERTY today! Contact us or visit our website to learn more about our Ohio Flat Fee MLS Listing Service today!! Our programs are ideal for savvy sellers who have tried to sell their homes for sale by owner to save money and just need that additional marketing exposure to get it sold! Order your listing today and You too can SAVE THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS with Ohio Broker Direct!